Time: 05/05/2024 20:46:26.702+01:00 PID: AS-ResourceMgr_19020.19520.6

Hertfordshire Equipment Service

ELMS Online Ordering

Contact Details

General Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm
01707 292555

Saturday and Bank Holidays
9am - 2pm
01707 281544

Out of Hours EMERGENCY Service / Maintenance 
01707 292555

Orders and General Enquiries: hesenquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk

Equipment Collections: hes.collection@hertfordshire.gov.uk

Adult Special orders: hes.specials@hertfordshire.gov.uk

Children Special orders: heschildren@hertfordshire.gov.uk

ELMS IT enquiries: hes.elmsenquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk



ELMS online ordering should be used for all Standard and Enhanced equipment orders.

ELMS can be used to check the items already with a client, to place new orders and to track existing orders.

Standard Level Ordering

(Administrator, Community Care Officer, Learning Disabilities Assistant, Mental Health Assistant, Nursing Assistant, Nurse Associate, Social Worker, Therapy Assistant, Paramedic)
All items available to order on ELMS

Enhanced Level Ordering

(Qualified Nurse, Qualified Occupational Therapist, Qualified Physiotherapist, Qualified Mental Health Officer)
All items available to order on ELMS except Special Orders

Frequent Prescribers working with Hertfordshire residents MUST use ELMS for ordering equipment.

Access to ELMS Training

If you do not have a login and need to register to use the online ordering system, please email: hes.elmsenquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk with the words ‘TRAINING VIDEO’ in the Subject: box. You will be emailed login details for the training system with instructions for accessing the training videos. Once you have viewed the training videos you will need to complete a short questionnaire and a registration document and return both to us via email. You will then be emailed your login details to access the live ELMS system.

Infrequent Prescribers

If you are ordering less than once every 3 months and do not have an ELMS login, please contact the HES clinical team via email hes.triage@hertfordshire.gov.uk for guidance on how to place your order.
User ID 

Reset Password: Click Here

Computer Misuse Act 1990 - Unauthorised access to this system is an offence. Version 10.0.2.